Saturday, January 30, 2016

What is Drama to You? To Me Drama is.......

Hey guys I hadn't had to much experiment with drama but I've been in some plays. And I know many people think of drama as school plays or just acting over dramatic but I don't think that's entirely the definition of drama. I mean yeah as a an actress for a school play I enjoy the art of being able to act then me such as when I played the moon dancer from Charlotte Budane a character who finds what she really loves. I enjoyed being the moon dancer I felt like I was from another whole world a different culture, different person. I love dancing, though I rarely dance dancing is pretty fun in so many creative ways! I loved being on the stage being of of the leaders of the moon dance. Another role I played in the play was a narrator. I remember my sentence started off with her head was brimming with the story that...
But could Drama be in sports? I definitely think so. As an ice skater I feel like drama takes place such dramatic skating or dressing up as a whole another character. For example I completed a 2013 championship competition in ice skating! I was doing a program to Jessie! Remember her from toy story 2 and 3? So I got to dress up as her and act as if I was her wouldn't you consider that drama? I would but drama can be a negative thing what about the drama that's going on in your school or maybe your friends just sweat over little things and start being drama queens?
This is when popularity on the negative side starts. Typically starting around grade 4 and through middle school and high school. Trust I'm a middle schooler and sometimes  drama gets so over your head and sometimes frustrating and just annoying. It just follows you wherever you go like stocker heee heee I'm following you. You might be thinking how does this have to with art? but, take a deeper thought. Sometimes drama can be settle many things in his world are settle. But, what about if your school is having a small dance and people are just like OMG who are you going with? They just like overly dramatic by acting like it's junior/senior prom. It's like acting when maybe they don't realize it, maybe they do realize they just like dramaticness in there life.
Another form of drama could in a movie your acting in that will be published eventually don't those actors sometimes have to act more dramatic then there use to or want to. For example what about Peyton List she played the character Emma in the movie Jessie. I'm sure she had to act dramatic in a way that people could tell what kind of person she is. She did a very nice job wouldn't you agree. What about others actors such as Selena Gomez or Debby Ryan? I'm sure they had to experience the same things as Peyton did.
Overall I think drama is about enjoying the art, and expression. I think drama is a good way to experience what it's like to be someone else and being able to put yourself into other peoples shoes. I feel like when I act I feel what it's like to be the happy person, the lonely person, or the person who's struggling to fight for the life. This makes me appreciate what I have because many people who grow up in an environment take things for granted such as there clean water, their roofs in on their head. Sometimes I have to remind myself or ask myself what do I appreciate?
Thank you guys I hope you enjoyed this post. Maybe drama will inspire you just as much as it does to me. See ya!

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