Saturday, January 30, 2016

Explore With Me! Special Drawing Tools Drawers Use!

Hey guys today I'll be sharing about my special drawing pencils and how to use them if you have them. First let me show what they look like:
lol you can see I'm listing to music now I'll show you what it feels like now I'm on the outside ohh we did everything right now I'm on the outside...... Recognize that song? lol Anyways, I'm going to be showing my drawing stick and what it looks like:
Drawing stick

This drawing stick is used for basically a lot of things like filling parts that are suppose to be black could be used for shadowing, outlining  etc. Some designs:

Examples that are ugly because honestly I'm still new to these, heee heee....
Another example from my set is my magical erasers of awesomeness! These erasers are suppose to erase very well to hide what you were drawing many drawers I see use these erasers! Heres what they look like:
The erasers

see for your self how they well they erase:
They erase so well you can't see it where I'm pointing
They erase quite well wouldn't you agree?
Next my awesome drafting pencil that is more like my EVERYTHINGGGG pencil! This pencil is like the best pencil you'll ever have in the world because not only it's super good for drafting but it's super comfortable despite that the fact that regular pencils hurt your hands every time you write for about 5-10 mins. For example we have this thing in my english class called rocket writing where we write for 5 mins pushing our self not to stop so I used this pencil for 5 straight mins even 10 and my hand didn't burn like other pencils do. So I highly you suggest you buy this pencil I got this at papers, pens, etc. at windward mall for I believe 5. 95 or something but, I'm not a hundred percent sure because it was a gift and someone left the receipt with the prices on it.
Left: The pencil Right hand side: the cap for the eraser

Next are another set of pencil these pencils each have a thickness and come out with a different lightness or darkness of there color. See for your self:

These pencils are super important if your drawing because if your drawing a scenery or something big with lots of details then you'll need different line thickness or color difference.
So that's for all today come back to the arts tomorrow for more posts! I have to do my science homework now! Peace and goodnight!

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