Thursday, December 10, 2015

Facts About Ice Skating!!!!!!!! :)

Ice skating is harder then it looks and when most people see ice skaters they don't think about how much balance, strength, and flexibly it takes. But for most skaters like me I don't think about those things, I mainly focus on how to land a new jump or how to improve a spin. What's even more amazing is the levels of boots and blades which is very important for skaters because as they level up skaters will need thicker boots and more powerful toe picks to carry them into the air this is also one thing people don't realize. This is one of many reasons why ice skating a very interesting sport!
Did you know people believed skates were made out of bones once? Also did you know the jumps we know no as salchow, axel... were named after people invented those jumps. Same goes for spins Sasha Cohen spin and the Fratianne spin (cannon ball spin.) In fact some of these people like Linda Fratianne teach others today.
Today ice skating has vastly changed and improved and should be appreciated because who knows what would have happened? Maybe it could have vanished. As history should be appreciated because of it changes  effected us today in away on the way we live. History has invented us!
Now today I enjoy ice skating the way it is. Like most skaters I enjoy jumping and spinning and over all my favorite move is the split jump. As I improved I took that improvement and skated in different rinks mostly for competitions. But today I still currently skate at Toyota a famous rink. Whats even more amazing is remember when I mentioned Linda Fratianne well, when ever I skate at Toyota I take lessons from her!  She is great coach and hope to learn her Fratianne spin!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Animal Jam: How To Never Get Scammed!!!!

Hey guys! If you want to know how to never get scammed on AJ you've found the right place! Heres how!
1. Never fall for trust trades (trues) People will show an awesome item on there trade list like, a spike. But heres where there trick comes. They will ask people to trade them but, before people start trading the person will take off the item and put a bad store bought item. Next the person will say trade equal to the spike and I will gift you the spike. Well not true they will just take your items and leave trust me I've seen that scam to many times and jammers lose interest in playing.
2. Never do gift for gift  People will say gift me your best Item and I will give you the beta item in AJ. Well they may have the most beta item but what there really trying to get is a good item for free like a headdress. People fall for this trick a lot well, at least new jammers. They end up giving a valuable item with nothing in return.
3. Never do things people ask you for an item they offer  People will want to you to gift them your outfit trade list or whatever.. but they offer you this deals that sounds fair but really isn't because one time this jammer said if you you do this like gift me your spike your friend will give you a spike. Well first of all total scam. This person didn't even no my friend and just was hoping for a spike well to bad for that person.
Thank you guys if you for listing and if you don't fall for these I promise you won't get scammed be careful people may find away to scam but if you know these basic ones you shouldn't get scammed because basically all scammers on aj work the same.

Animal Jam: Things People Do That Annoy Me!!!!!!!!

Hi guys It's Cooljammer! Today I'm posting about Animal jam: things people that do that annoy me. There are many things I like about animal jam but, there are many things I don't like about AJ. Here are some fast examples and explanations on what annoy me and why.
* Beg for Items- This happens when people see something on trade or not on trade and the say please, please...... can I have this item. This annoys me because one they follow you around and they don't stop unless you leave or give them the item and Two it's also kind of rude and makes people less willing to give you the item.
* When people say they overtraded you for a bad store bought Item- This happens when they trade me like a pillow from the den shop and try for  a spike or some other beta. I decline there trade and they get angry and say they overtraded you. This annoys me because this shows a dishonest person who only cares about the items and looking rare rather then the fun in AJ. But this also relates in life because no one wants to be around cheaters and dishonest people.
*When people say my den if you like me- This happens in Jamaa township quite often. This annoys me because what they express is they don't care about anything but likes. It's kind of like social Media people who spend so much time don't stop and think "What are my Values?" They go with the crowds and like what the trend is also it's like "how can I like you when I don't even know you?"
* When people ask to trade then wants to trade back one minute later- This happens when someone asks to trade, you say yes, they trade you, and you accept. Then they comeback a minute later and say I want to trade back.... This annoys because what this show is that they just want to waste your time and others peoples time and forgetting that not everybody can play long or even play all.
* When People follow you around- This happens whens someone just stokes you. This annoys me because it makes me feel like there trying to annoy you on purpose and make you feel uncomfortable.
*When People ask to be adopted- This happens mostly in the pillow room they just sit there and beg to be adopted. If you say no they act all sad. This annoys me because it shows they don't care what you want they want you to do what they want this ties in when people act all sad.
*People who leave as soon as an adventure starts, or leave without you- This happens mostly in the eagle adventure. As soon as it starts you see everybody leave. This annoys me because it makes me feel like there time wasters and wants me to start over.
* Scammers- People who just take your items. This really annoys me because they think it's all right when it really hurts other people. Some people may do it because it's funny but if you think about how will it feel if you get scammed. It's not funny it's torture!

Things I Enjoy

 I love art because art is a good way to show how you feel by the shades you shade, by stokes you paint, and by the color you color. Actively I enjoy making my emotions come to live through ice skating. Art makes me feel accomplished in life, for example when I finished my AJ drawing and my Classcraft Avatar it felt good, I was proud of all my work that I spent hour after hour on. I also like being able to draw straight, curvy, or thick lines, and using my imagination to transform it into a realistic or cartoonish character that looks like my style and quality. When I ice skate and master a new spin for example, a sit spin, it felt good being able to do it after months of work. It’s like standing hall of fame!

   One type of art is drawing, painting coloring etc. I enjoy is the techniques and the emotions in drawing and painting. When I draw I like to think about how I feel how my lines connect into a flow painting a picture in my head. I ask myself why am I drawing this, why do I feel this way? I think about how I draw lines I think to myself How do my lines look how do they flow into an image that could stretch a mile long and mile wide. Then just like that Boom you just did art! believe it or not it is true!!!

    Another type is the art in ice skating. The art in ice skating is like moving pictures but you have to see and believe in yourself. “confidence, strength, style”, you name it. If you think about ice skating, it is an artistic sport that practices the skills of creating dramatic, enthusiastic , or sad emotions like painting an image in your head. For example when doing a sit spin I feel enthusiastic, but when doing the Hydroglide or Bielllmen spin I feel artistic. Ice skating is a sport that feels accomplished. A skaters level comes from their work. You can just sit and complain about why you can’t do things or why this to hard unfair, or you can work at making yourself better and stronger. I remember when I used to have a week left leg but because I worked at it now I can glide spin do all kinds of stuff on it. Now when I look back I should be proud of my accomplishments.

There are many ways of discovering your own art just go outside be active shoot a basket, golf, play tennis, gymnastics, ice skate or draw paint write act and you just did art!

Left) Classcraft Avatar drawing (Middle) AJ Wild animal drawing (Right) stretching for ice skating me doing splits.

Band Playing The Oboe Part I

Quack, quack, squeak, squeak,  I know, I know that's not what the oboe is suppose to sound like but sadly the truth is when you play a note wrong or accidentally do not blow into the reed right your oboe will sound like a duck who's in pain.
Anyway in band this year my instrument is the Oboe! I wanted to play the Oboe because when we watched a solo on the Oboe in band the sound was a beautiful song I really liked the Oboe sounded also I love challenges and I heard the Oboe was a very hard instrument so, I was up for the challenge.
Two days later when I heard I got the Oboe I was really excited to play it. Over the past a few days learning how to put the Oboe together as well as taking it apart we started rolling on to making some noise, yeah! I started off with just practicing blowing into the reed with the proper technique. That is the main reason why the oboe is hard because you have to kind of press your lips together without puffing your cheeks. You also have to be careful not to by accident to chip your reed because the reed tip is very delicate that can be very easily chipped. Oboe players have to put the mouth on the far end close o where the green string that is wrapped around. Because the reed is so small you have to blow a lot of quick air, probably more the clarinet players do. 
Today in Band we worked on B flats in class when it was my turn to play that note I was a little tired of blowing air. Also because the Oboe is long it was uncomfortable having to stretch my fingers to touch the keys.  So far I love Band I think it's a really good class. In Band we had  lots of fun playing our instruments it hilarious when I messed up and others because we all had a really funky sound when we messed up.

The Art Of Balloon Twisting

Hi, This is Lily again! Today I'm going to talk about ballon art and why I love ballon twisting. One December morning a few days after my eleventh birthday my family headed out to the discovery center where we were invited to help out at this ever since then I love Ballon twisting. Now today when I ballon twist I feel special and creative because there are many different designs of balloon twisting and many levels from advanced to beginner.  One ballon that is easy to make is the sword.
* get a ballon pump and balloons (not regular balloons the long balloons) Qualatex is a good company.
* next use the pump to blow it up hold for those of you who don't know how to put the ballon on the tip and hold both the tip and balloon so it doesn't deflate and pump it.
* then when about fully blown then take it off and tie a not
* After that take one side and then fold it into an S shape DON"T LET GO!!!!
* then while holding the S shape twist it and there you go you've got the sword!
Next as you practice you can make more advanced ones from the flower to a whole clown figure! Also ballon twisting makes me feel special because when ever I make balloons for people such as my parents friends they seen very impressed and appreciated. Also one more reason I like Balloon twisting is because when you make a figure you can express various types of feelings. This feeling of expression is a wonderful feeling and i think everyone deserves to express the way they feel! Thank You for reading! Lily Z Btw I updated the photos so I look more like me hee hee  LOLZ :)