Thursday, July 7, 2016

How to Make Ice Cram in a Bag

Hello guys it summer which means it time to make a tasty cold treat, which of course this is perfect for people who don't have an ice cream maker like me and want almost instant ice cream if they have no ice cream in the freezer. This recipe is very simple and requires very little ingredients the total time it take to prep make is about 10-15 mins.
What you'll need:

  1. 1 TBSP Sugar
  2. 1/2 cup of milk or half and half
  3. 6 Tablespoons of rock salt
  4. 1 sandwich bag
  5. 1 TSP of vanilla extract
  6. 1 gallon size bag
  7. Ice cubes
How to make it

  1. Fill the gallon bag with ice cubes half way full with the rock salt, seal it
  2. Put the sugar, the milk, vanilla in the sandwich bag, seal it
  3. Put the smaller bag in the gallon bag and shake it for about five minutes or until you can till it looks like ice cream
  4. Enjoy your creamy treat! :)

Monday, May 16, 2016

English Project (Global Warming


Hey jammers I must warn you, new big scammer to watch out for, report block, spam with jags to give back the items, fing out more in this video: BIG BIG TIME SCAMMER, Please donate to! If you see this jammer never trust this jammer, never trade this jammer, because those items aren't his and need to be returned now!

Artsy Photos

Friday, May 13, 2016

Fun Things To Do As A Non Member On Animal Jam

Hey guys you may be wondering why I'm posting things about non member when I'm a member but actually I've been a non member for about eight months before and there are many fun things you can do as a non member so here are some top fun things:

  1.  Do adventures! I loved doing like the Phantom portal, Meet Cosmo as non member. Even on my first round of Return of the Phantoms. Although it will be a lot harder to level up but there still fun to do any day. This is also a good way to earn gems fast, like who does not want a random sack of 25 gems per phantom you kill.
  2. Collect plushies. Ok, I have to admit as non member I loved going to random dens and doing there claws to see how many I could collect. Then I went to my den and decorated my den with the plushies all scattered. I would then sell them away and try to get some good rares depending on how bad the person wants it.
  3. Play all the games in the arcade, This is will defiantly keep you entertained as my experience when I was a non Member. The Sol Arcade had an endless list of games that to this day I have not played all of them in the arcade, you can even go hunt for rare jammers who have river race a game that is not in the Sol arcade.
  4. Trade, trading is the most common thing that everyone does in animal jam, even new jammers. This can keep people on their feet for hours depending on who you are. There are even animal jam addicts who spend anytime they can on that game trading and trying to build up rarity.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Funny Photo!

Hey, welcome back to cooljammer aj's blog. Today I just wanted to make a random post about a funny photo. So I had to watch some new chicks my family got just yesterday! So anyway while my mom was cleaning their little box I was taking selfies with them and this is how one of them turned out!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Animal Jam Photo Collection!

Thank you I'll update this ASAP with new levels, glitches, and rememberable moments! 

Why You Should Become a Member of Animal Jam

Ok first I have to admit member ship to AJ is expensive it's six dollars for one month, thirty dollars for six months, and sixty dollars for twelve months. Other then the prices there are so many advantages of being a member here are some:
You can buy anything you'd like: Being a member means that all store items are available to buy of you have enough gems you may also check out the diamond shop in Jamaa where you can buy the coolest stuff and animals there. You can also get any den or animal. This give you the ability to make your den really big filled with some of the most awesome den items for member only. Also you can make your animals stand out with many clothing such as the members inly rare spike, headdress, etc.
You can have as many animals as you want. (I believe that 32 is the limit) Many options of animals to: As a member you get many options of animals

  1. arctic wolf
  2. fox 
  3. tiger
  4. bunny
  5. deer
  6. wolf
  7. lynx
  8. arctic fox 
  9. llama 
  10. otter
  11. polar bear
  12. leopard
  13. snow leopard
  14. lion
  15. elephant
  16. rhino 
  17. shark
  18. dolphin
  19. octopus
  20. turtle 
  21. owl 
  22. eagle.......
Many more to. This gives you the ability to access the store above the den shop were you have to be bird. You can do the birds only adventure which is members only. (Forgotten Desert)
There are so many adventures you can do: Of course as a non member you only can do up to the Cosmo one. That makes it a lot harder to level up. Think about you see many members with levels like 6,7,8 and above. Well that because there are more adventures that are longer and give you more courage to level up. Such as facing the phantom king gives you courage +200! That where the fun comes in. As a member an adventure is really fun you can defeat more phantoms and the phantom king. There also longer and more interesting. They're also much harder to which brings in the fun. Plus at level eight you get four hearts instead of three!
Weekly diamonds: Every Tuesday you receive one diamond in your mail that automatically pops up whenever you log on. This gives you the ability to buy more items in the den shop if you run out of diamonds etc.
You can customize you name tag and choose adventure level on/off: This is pretty cool because then you can become unique on your own way by changing your name tag. You have many color choices, many badges, and you can show off what level your at! This also kind of shows that your in the club to so every time you pass by a jammer then they'll know your in the club. Which I think is a good thing because then you won't have people asking you are you a member?
Those are the best part of being a member in my opinion. So I really think you should get membership; It will be awesome!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

AJ Future Animals!



Animal Jam Fun Glitches

Adventure glitch phantom Pipe from Phantom Portal level one to level six one day currently level 6
I switched randomly to my eagle and it flew backward (hi coolgirl50391)
When you Switch animals in front of the room near overflowar overflow

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Check Out The Guid to Middle School Blog

Hey guys if you have not already don't forget to check out The perfect guid to starting middle school! Thank you!

How to Get Your Splits Fast!

Hey guys post of the day stretched on in. Today I'll be showing some exercises on how to get your splits fast.  First of all make sure to drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day by doing this it gives you the hydration, energy, strength, and flexibility.  This is because your body is actually made up mostly of water and it maintains body fluids.
Second Stretch everyday! I highly recomened because everyday you stretch you gain a little bit of flexibility that you don't notice. Yet that may seem pointless and a waste of time but just like many exercises such as core, leg and arm strength is very important to do daily in order to keep your strength and motivation. When stretching your going to make your legs hurt but all of that will pay off plus that s good because you know that your pushing your self which leads to incredible things. Exercises that highly help splits and keep you on toes include.....
1. Backbends-Backbends, how does have to do with splits? you might be wondering. Well Back bends are super important for splits this is because when doing the splits it's important to lean back as far as you can arching your back for stretching your splits sand it can lead to the ability to do other flexibility moves such as scorpions, needles, spirals, haircutters and all that good stuff.
2. Spirals-find a stabilized table put both hands about 4-5 inches apart from your upper body maybe more or less depending on your size  now with the feet try put your legs a ruler and a few inches away kick your leg as high as you can and have someone push it higher and have them hold it for 3o sec.  Don't forget to straighten your legs if you can. Until you're more flexible it's important to do it by your self. This helps because it's basically doing the splits on one leg standing up you can till by the pic below. Things to think about when your doing this.
1. am I leaning way back?
2. am I leaning way to forward?
3. are my legs about even with each other?
4. am I arching my back?
5. are my hips squared like is my hip facing to the side instead of down?

Nice spiral exercise, in this case it doesn't show a nice arched back sorry about that.

3. Floor exercises- Here are some floor exercises you should do for splits.
1. lay on the floor then with one had and one leg pull on leg as far as you can! Make sure when doing this that the leg on the floor doesn't pop up. A good way to get a really good stretch is have someone keep the leg on the floor by lightly pressing on it and have them pull more towards your body.
2. sit against a wall FYI this is a great exercise for straddle as well. Now put one leg against the wall straighten that leg. With the other leg bend it towards you and try to push your knee against the wall hold for 30 sec. Then do the same to the other side.
3. Next this stretch is kind of like criss cross apple sauce but, the only difference is that you don't feel a stretch from criss crossing and that both feet touch each other. Now in that position put your head to your feet and use your elbows to push your knees down. Hold this position for 30 sec.
4. Put your knee on the floor with the other foot put it in front of you and straighten, make sure your foot is flat on the floor if you are doing this correctly you should feel a stretch in your ankle and the part where your legs are connected to your hips down where see the picture above if you were to draw a straight line across. Do the same to the other side hold each for 30 sec.
5. Put your foot on the floor creating a 90 degree angle with the other leg put it straight behind you make sure your leg is locked. hold it for 30 sec. do the same to other side.  If your doing this correctly then you should feel a stretch in the same area of the stretch above.
Now your ready try the splits warming up these stretches should make the splits easier and less painful try the splits! If you can't go all the way down then it helps to have someone push on your shoulders and have them hold it there for you and make sure to do the other side. When doing the splits also make sure to put your head to your leg and hold for 3o sec. Then lean back and arch your back as far as you can and also hold for 30 sec.

Nice splits leaning back

Keep doing this every day even when you can get all the way down because it's a good habit and raises your good spirits. Stretching is a good way to calm and make you feel more confident in your self. Stretching also helps see other peoples perspective because when people see me do the splits and they try and are un able it makes me feel more aware of what it's like on the other side and makes me more understanding. This doesn't just apply in stretching it applies in life as well. Anyways once you get the splits it can lead to the scorpion! Thank you hoped this helped.


How to Draw a Straight Line Without having to Use a Ruler

Hey guys I get lot's of free time to share my tutorials I planned just for you since I'm in study hall! Anyway today I'll be sharing how to draw straight lines without really having to use a ruler! I think it's really important to know this not just having to expect a ruler! I mean because rulers are the best because one time I did a math formative on graphing and I had to make the lines straight for a good grade and rulers are slidey for me so they always move when you try to use it. So now I'm going to show you how to draw straight lines and maybe this will help raise your grade so you can get comments like nice artistic touch, pretty smart huh?
What helps as a beginner is practice drawing straight lines on line paper or graph paper so it gives you the feeling of what it will be like without the line. When you feel get comfortable with that try it off the line slowly make a short line and over lap kind of continuing down the line. When lifting up your pencil then putting back on the paperYou'll need to look at the line ahead so you know your going straight and not at the pencil kind of like driving you loo at the road and not at the wheel and the petals same thing with drawing the line. Also your lines make look a little scratchy but that's totally ok because it looks artsy and fun! Another thing is don't worry if yours doesn't look good at first like it's still squiggly mine started off like that so, it just takes practice like most things.
Thank you for reading I hope this tutorial helped and come back for my how to's. Bye!
Here are different examples you can practice:

Practice without the line
Practice exercise on a lined paper

Big Competitions in Ice Skating!

Post of the day has glide on in! Today I'll be talking about competitions I've competed in, so enjoy! As you may have heard millions and millions of times that I'm a figure skater so I decided to change this up a little! Instead of talking on and on about how I became a skater or my favorite moves and how to become more flexible... all of that boring stuff, sadly:( Now I'm going to talk about what t's like to be a competitor and some competitions I've been in. Like most competitors I enjoy seeing new faces, watching people perform, trading pins etc. Most of all I love going out there, skating my best leaving a positive feeling like I've worked hard, I'm doing great, and most of all I'm having fun! In my opinion I think one of the best part of big competitions is how you can see people from all around the world and see how there techniques and styles in skating. I also think once you start trading pins it gives you an idea of what there country is like which is quite interesting. I think in competitions it's important to have fun and be proud because if you don't enjoy competitions then why do them and waste your time when you could be doing something fun? Yet like there are things I don't like about competitions in ice skating such as it can be stressful, parents and skaters can become to competitive, and this is for female skaters. As a female ice skater, when ever you compete with a boy, the boy automatically wins no matter if the girl had a better program. This is because there's less male skaters. Yet I don't really think they thought this whole idea out between girls and boys because what if all the girls quitted because they were losing then they would have more boys and encourage girls to skate so it would be an off and on pattern. It seems like most people hate the stress in comps because you have to wear nice outfits get your hair done which requires special hair spray. Make up is a big part of stress make up takes up a lot of time to make it look good and match your skin tone and character. Also that the warm ups are only five minutes which is so little amount of time just for getting all your jumps and spins and rehearsing certain parts. You also basically have to show up a few hours before your competition and most competitions get behind schedule. Overall basically how competitions work is you show up two or three hours before sometimes they have special sessions just for warm ups, pretty awesome huh? LOL Anyways You can sign up for those but, if they don't have the sessions you can do a little bit of off ice stretches and warm ups. Next you put your outfit/costume then have your coach put your make up on which can take 10 mins to 30 mins. For example my sister was the mad hatter from Alice and Wonderland and her make up took about 30 mins to one hour. When you finish with that you have wait till it's your turn but, you have to make sure to put your skates about 10 minutes rarely before since they usually run behind. Luckily you can socialize or trade pins! Then your coach talks to you and wishes you luck five minutes before your turn. Then you skate your number, wait for your results, watch other people till you get board. Pick up your medal and leave. Thank you for reading Maybe this helped you get rid of nervousness if you haven't competed!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Re Opened Poll

Help me improve my blog! Just by simply simply filling out the survey down below in the gadgets menu! Plus you have plenty of time 111 days only so much time! Thank you!

Funny Fail of The Day Drawing!

Hey guys just a quick something. I tried drawing a portrait of a person but the person I drew looks like a total mushroom lol. The portrait is me double lol!

Ugly drawing

How To Draw A Basic Flower For Beginners!

Do you have trouble drawing flowers? Well then heres the perfect guid with clear instructions and pics. that will help fix that problem and, It will be super fun and awesome because you'll learn how to draw great flowers constantly! Hope this tutorial helps, so lets get drawing!
First what you'll need
1. Pencil (I suggest mechanical 0.7 or less)
2. Paper ( as a beginner I suggest gird)
3. Eraser if needed
Instructions for grid paper users: Ok, now that you have those items now the first step is simply drawing a dot on an interesting line(s) Like this:

Pretty simple so far huh? Well now it's only slightly more difficult! Now your going to start drawing your first petal.  Now where you put your dot find start the your petal by slowly working your a little diagonally not to much or to little. You can use the squares as your guid so when you draw your line it should be cutting your square(s) in half, you might have more then one cut squares if your making a big flower. Kind of like this:

Now start to round your petal at the top making them slightly pointed at the very tippy top and come back down meeting at your starting dot. Your petal should look like this. Once your done with that all you need to do is do the same to the other three petals. Don't forget to try to make your petals as even as possible! Your almost done flower should look like this towards the end:

Now all we have to is the final last touches which is shadowing which if you have not seen my tutorial on that here's the link So yeah lets get busy
Now starting at the dot start by making your value scale a little less then half of the petal on all four petals. Try to line up the value scale a much as possible, I know it can be hard but you may have to overlap it a lot but that's ok and make sure to rub really well or else you'll get a scratchy bumpy result. Your final result should look like this:

Some flowers the one below has bad lighting sorry about that
Hope this tutorial helped you and hopefully you got your flower! See ya!

Explore With Me! Special Drawing Tools Drawers Use!

Hey guys today I'll be sharing about my special drawing pencils and how to use them if you have them. First let me show what they look like:
lol you can see I'm listing to music now I'll show you what it feels like now I'm on the outside ohh we did everything right now I'm on the outside...... Recognize that song? lol Anyways, I'm going to be showing my drawing stick and what it looks like:
Drawing stick

This drawing stick is used for basically a lot of things like filling parts that are suppose to be black could be used for shadowing, outlining  etc. Some designs:

Examples that are ugly because honestly I'm still new to these, heee heee....
Another example from my set is my magical erasers of awesomeness! These erasers are suppose to erase very well to hide what you were drawing many drawers I see use these erasers! Heres what they look like:
The erasers

see for your self how they well they erase:
They erase so well you can't see it where I'm pointing
They erase quite well wouldn't you agree?
Next my awesome drafting pencil that is more like my EVERYTHINGGGG pencil! This pencil is like the best pencil you'll ever have in the world because not only it's super good for drafting but it's super comfortable despite that the fact that regular pencils hurt your hands every time you write for about 5-10 mins. For example we have this thing in my english class called rocket writing where we write for 5 mins pushing our self not to stop so I used this pencil for 5 straight mins even 10 and my hand didn't burn like other pencils do. So I highly you suggest you buy this pencil I got this at papers, pens, etc. at windward mall for I believe 5. 95 or something but, I'm not a hundred percent sure because it was a gift and someone left the receipt with the prices on it.
Left: The pencil Right hand side: the cap for the eraser

Next are another set of pencil these pencils each have a thickness and come out with a different lightness or darkness of there color. See for your self:

These pencils are super important if your drawing because if your drawing a scenery or something big with lots of details then you'll need different line thickness or color difference.
So that's for all today come back to the arts tomorrow for more posts! I have to do my science homework now! Peace and goodnight!

Fail of the Day Drawing!

Hey guy this was actually awhile ago but it's an ugly drawing so I decided to put in fail of the day drawing! LOL also because the lighting is bad so here it is.
My Family Drawing For Chinese Class

What is Drama to You? To Me Drama is.......

Hey guys I hadn't had to much experiment with drama but I've been in some plays. And I know many people think of drama as school plays or just acting over dramatic but I don't think that's entirely the definition of drama. I mean yeah as a an actress for a school play I enjoy the art of being able to act then me such as when I played the moon dancer from Charlotte Budane a character who finds what she really loves. I enjoyed being the moon dancer I felt like I was from another whole world a different culture, different person. I love dancing, though I rarely dance dancing is pretty fun in so many creative ways! I loved being on the stage being of of the leaders of the moon dance. Another role I played in the play was a narrator. I remember my sentence started off with her head was brimming with the story that...
But could Drama be in sports? I definitely think so. As an ice skater I feel like drama takes place such dramatic skating or dressing up as a whole another character. For example I completed a 2013 championship competition in ice skating! I was doing a program to Jessie! Remember her from toy story 2 and 3? So I got to dress up as her and act as if I was her wouldn't you consider that drama? I would but drama can be a negative thing what about the drama that's going on in your school or maybe your friends just sweat over little things and start being drama queens?
This is when popularity on the negative side starts. Typically starting around grade 4 and through middle school and high school. Trust I'm a middle schooler and sometimes  drama gets so over your head and sometimes frustrating and just annoying. It just follows you wherever you go like stocker heee heee I'm following you. You might be thinking how does this have to with art? but, take a deeper thought. Sometimes drama can be settle many things in his world are settle. But, what about if your school is having a small dance and people are just like OMG who are you going with? They just like overly dramatic by acting like it's junior/senior prom. It's like acting when maybe they don't realize it, maybe they do realize they just like dramaticness in there life.
Another form of drama could in a movie your acting in that will be published eventually don't those actors sometimes have to act more dramatic then there use to or want to. For example what about Peyton List she played the character Emma in the movie Jessie. I'm sure she had to act dramatic in a way that people could tell what kind of person she is. She did a very nice job wouldn't you agree. What about others actors such as Selena Gomez or Debby Ryan? I'm sure they had to experience the same things as Peyton did.
Overall I think drama is about enjoying the art, and expression. I think drama is a good way to experience what it's like to be someone else and being able to put yourself into other peoples shoes. I feel like when I act I feel what it's like to be the happy person, the lonely person, or the person who's struggling to fight for the life. This makes me appreciate what I have because many people who grow up in an environment take things for granted such as there clean water, their roofs in on their head. Sometimes I have to remind myself or ask myself what do I appreciate?
Thank you guys I hope you enjoyed this post. Maybe drama will inspire you just as much as it does to me. See ya!

Draw and learn With Me What makes a Good Flag and How to Draw One! Design Homework

Hey guys in design everything just transitioned in such an amazing way! First of all we switched our Classcraft tribe not only that but, we started talking about flags! In design we learned some basic rules about what makes a good flag! I thought this would be perfect idea of art to share because our homework was to draw 5 different flags about us so.... here they are
1. The flag should be simple (so simple a kid can draw it from memory)
2. Use meaning full symbols
3. Only use to two to three different colors
4. No lettering or writing
5. Distinctive
For more info try this link
So lets get drawing! First off I think what represents me is that I'm flexible and artistic so lets try a drawing using the rules above!
Flag Design one. Picture of someone doing the splits. What do you think, does it follow the rules above? comment below!

Me doing splits

Second this time I'm going to draw a a pint brush with a paint pallet because as you know me I love art and this is a good way of representing the arts so, lets try it out what do ya think?

My dream art supplies

Third flag, next hmm I think I'll draw an ice skate with a silhouette lets see it!

My ice skates

What about four? Well, for four my idea was to draw math symbols because I really love math so lets see how well it fits and how it looks

My love of math

Now finally the last one lets see...Oh no I'm running out of ideas ugh... sigh. I guess I'll draw emojis on the way I feel and what others think of me! I love like LOVE emojis there soooo cute and epic!

Heee hee I'm a devil lol JK I'm a happy person!
So don't forget to comment below if you think they go or don't because sometimes you don't know certain things unless someone tells you kind of like if someones like uhh I can see your underwear when your sitting down. I'm sure that happened to you before. Anyways thanks reading this. I enjoyed doing my design homework with you guys! See you tomorrow for post of the day!